Marie Dade

Marie Dade

Lecturer in Urban Greening

Portrait of Marie Dade
Marie Dade, Lecturer in Urban Greening

What is your role in the School?

I am a lecturer in Urban Greening, based at the Burnley Campus.

When did you start your role in the School? What were you doing beforehand?

I started my role at the beginning of 2022. Before that I was working as a postdoc at McGill University in Canada (and before that I completed my PhD at the University of Queensland).

What do you like most about your job?

I really enjoy the variety in my job. It’s a good mix of teaching, research, contributing to the school and communicating to the public. I get to work on a lot of things, which always makes it interesting!

What is your research focus?

My research focuses on ecosystem services (the ways in which nature contributes to human wellbeing) within urban greenspaces. Specifically, which greenspaces within cities are providing which ecosystem services, and how can we change the management of urban greenspaces to improve the ecosystem services provided.

What do you love about working in Science as a School?

I really like the diversity of science topics and knowledge within the school. If you need advice or are stuck on something, there’s always someone nearby in the school who can help.

Do you have a favourite spot on-campus?

I am a bit biased since I work at the Burnley campus, but the Burnley gardens are a fantastic place stretch your legs when you’ve been working at your computer all day, or to get some sun at lunch time.

What are your hobbies or interests outside of work?

I like to play tennis after work and have also gotten into water colour painting in recent years. I’ve also slowly been exploring all the hiking trails around Melbourne since moving here last year.

Why might someone get in touch with you, and what is the best way to do this?

Feel free to send me an email at:

Marie Dade wearing hiking gear standing between huge rock walls in the Grampians